But, before we can start talking about MEDITATION,



there is something we must, sort of, understand...




and that is...














I think we have a confusion about who or what God is.
It is definitely not an old man with long white hair and beard,
stretching a helping hand to us from a cloud.


Noooo.... It's more like.... He has a radio station and He's broadcasting to us
all the time... and the station is not on a cloud up in the sky,


or even up in Jupiter or some other planet, not even in
some distant star to which we could point a finger at.


More like in a different DIMENSION,
where things are very different from what we are used to.

Stuff like being able to travel back and forth through time,
going through solid objects, being in two different places at the same time,
all people being one, that sort of stuff.


Now... me, myself and I could possibly conceive of a trinity, but
ALL people being one?

Well!...This is a bit hard to swallow,
we start questioning this sort of thing...

But, it's true, it does happen over there.


So, from this broadcast station, He/She/They/It,
is always sending helpful instructions...


So his signal/voice/intuition/feeling comes across
from this other dimension, and we are able to listen to it.


Theoretically, the skipper of a ship, sailing into danger in the darkest
night, if he was tuned in to this connection would be able
to take corrective action and avoid the danger.

(just like I would have avoided the confrontation with the guy and his garbage can)


So why aren't we able to listen to this signal all the time?
What is it that prevents us from hearing it?

There is something that is working to stop us from listening,
and that is what MEDITATION deals with...


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